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• During my PGCE it was drilled into us- the importance of a strong start to a lesson. I found the majority of the starters I used had been student lead and in turn made for extremely high levels of engagement, as the children often had more subject knowledge than I would have known had I opened with teacher lead starters. • I typed out 12 of my favourite starter strategies and have to credit my lectures for some of the ideas but likewise, I got a few of them online too! • Children LOVE to learn through their peers and these starters really encourage this child lead approach which I value so highly!! • This pack comes with 12 cards prompts in PDF format! •
Our Wonder Wall

Our Wonder Wall

“OUR WONDER WALL” I had this idea out running one day, I wanted a way to positively reinforce kindness, sharing and caring traits in my students and by allowing them to fill this wall up by writing on the limited brick outlines with whiteboard markers I hope to highlight the importance of being a good person. At the start of the year, the wall will be clean and empty, as the children show can kindness, caring and sharing traits I will allow them to write on one of the bricks for the class to see. One the class have filled up the wall I can only imagine that a reward would be well deserved. I made my wall quite big on purpose to let the children chip away at it each term. This wall will allow all students to strive in the project of showing kindness regardless of their academic, sporting or musical ability which in my opinion I find the three most commonly awarded traits in children in schools.
Classroom Voting Cards

Classroom Voting Cards

Classroom Voting Cards- For those lessons that you want to hear what the children would vote! Used on PGCE placement and worked very well <3